I don't know anything about combat stress, never had a confrontation, and nobody would call me lion heart anyway...but I was in 2 airplane screwups, one of which, was damn close to the plane going off the end of the runway into the ocean collapsing the nose gear. Me and some other guys talking it over later courtesy of the Wein Airlines booze cart, (nobody hurt), discovered that we forgot to breathe, there was no screaming like in the movies. Now breathing is pretty well ingrained I think. But most of us consciously remembered holding our breath. So, I guess my point is, a normal guy would prolly have to train like a Delta or Seal to behave well in a shootout. What cop shop could afford to train at that level? Would we want poorly screened law enforcement people trained to that level?

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.