My last name. German. We have a family book tracing back to 1760's.
When I got my copy, I read every page. Fascinating stories.

My other grand parents?
Mom's Dads folk. Sweeden and England, off the boat.
The rest, not much is known.
One is German, the other(Martin) tracks to the Roman Empire.
So my guess is British of some flavor, who knows.

A smattering of,
Irish and Swiss also.

One night my Daughter ask "We know Dads family came from
Germany, where is yours from Mom".

I immediately said "Poland, every one of them"!
My wife took that well. I'm alive, she has a sense of humor.

Later, she found out there is a Polish Jew in her background.

Oh, schitz. I shouldn't have revealed that.
Now I will be Suspected.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!