Originally Posted by auk1124
Originally Posted by las
I think mine is a potato or peanut plant..... smile

Originally Posted by slumlord
Originally Posted by auk1124
The thing about geneology is, it tracks family names, not actual parentage. In other words, it ignores the reality that for a lot of people, odds are good that there was some hanky panky going on through those generations, and there were no DNA tests back then.

Your family NAME may trace back to Richard the Lionhearted, but your actual DNA may trace back to Sam the Milkman...

That’s it right there

And all part of my snarky posts earlier. You always see someone claiming some absurd linkage. lol

Yet to see anyone fess up to having a maternal link to Tom Jefferson’s brown sugar sex magik ‘farm girls’ girls.

5-10% of life fathers, it is claimed by various sources, are not the biological fathers, tho they think they are. Or pretend to think they are.

I don't think I'd care - every kid needs a father, no matter who. DNA test will tell, tho.

You're right of course, raising matters in the long run a hell of a lot more than DNA. But the modern dna tests at 23andme, etc. can reveal some possible sins of the past.

"Grandma always said we were Italian on both sides of the family. Why the hell did my dna come back as 1/8 Lithuanian?
" Lol

And then again, it could just easily raise question as to the accuracy and reliability of the consumer DNA tests for determining ethnicity.