I watched my father die from a battle with cancer when I was 14. The last words I remember him saying were where he was asking me who helped me get dressed. I was helping him get his pants back on after using the restroom. That moment right there was when i realized my father was going to die. I knew he had cancer and had been told he was going to pass away but somehow in my young mind I didn't comprehend it. After that afternoon with him my mom brought my sister to see him the next morning. By then he was totally incoherent.My sister had a chance to say goodbye and he passed away within minutes.That was a life changing experience for obvious reasons. It took a long time and a lot of heartache to finally accept and deal with my fathers death. It's been almost 30 years since that day and I hardly ever think about it anymore. I would give anything to have a conversation or just a few minutes with him again.

Last edited by gritsnfishin1; 06/19/20.