Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by kaywoodie
John Lawrence Burns

The Old Hero of Gettysburg, 73 at the time, and also skinny as a rail as so many of his generation were.

Speaking of which, I got a not morbidly obese but typically American overweight buddy lives in a nice neighborhood in a Liberal city, not too far from the protests, often sits out on his front porch in the evening, unarmed, has an AR-15 clone fifteen feet away inside his front door.

Unless you’re around em regular you can lose touch with how blindingly fast young men can be. I told him a twenty-something assailant could be up his 60ft driveway and on him while he was still getting up out of his chair.

Then all that assailant would have to do is push him over. Here’s an exercise; go out on your lawn and lay down, then see how fast you can get back on your feet with nothing to grab onto for help. Most of us would find that a chore, heck, I find it to be a chore every friggin morning and I sleep on the floor. Young people can jump back up in no time.

Might be a good idea to work in some drills around drawing and shooting from the ground.

For fitness I’m done with distance running tho I did it a lot in my youth, when school gets back in I’m gonna work on being able to hustle reasonably fast over 400m, just one loop of the track. That ability should be useful in a number of different scenarios. I got a bicycle if I want to exercise for hours.

Keeping up with young people is one thing, I hike for four hours with school buses full of teenagers every year. Speed, aerobic capacity, agility and reaction times are different things entirely.

That old man always looked like he was ready to push his head thru a rock wall.

Ancient Order of the 1895 Winchester

"Come, shall we go and kill us venison?
And yet it irks me the poor dappled fools,
Being native burghers of this desert city,
Should in their own confines with forked heads
Have their round haunches gored."