Originally Posted by coyote268
I have to agree as much as I hate to. I thought he could be one of our greatest presidents but his ego, hatred for anyone who disagrees with him and unwillingness to listen to those around him have doomed any chance for his reelection. I hate Biden and the Democratic machine but Trump has lost the respect manjy of us had for him. Basically, he is nothing but a bully. He did do some good things while in office but not enough to overcome the respect he has lost for many of us. In another sense, he basically sold us out.

"I get so sick and tired of you jerks knocking all of California. Over four million voted for trump but you think all of us are of the same mind and political beliefs. Get outside of the population centers of LA, SF and Sacramento, and your heads out of your Ass== and you will find a lot of good conservative folks. I voted for Trump and will again but I wish he would keep his mouth shut sometimes and engage his brain before he opens it."

sounds like Kalifornians have strong convictions!! No wonder it turned into a schithole