Well. we have an interesting mix of prognosticators, "it's been coming for a long time" soothsayers, and major woe-is-us predictors on here- very interesting to read a number of these thoughts and predictions. Some are knowingly creative, I'm not learned or smart enough to be any of the above.

I do seem to understand mankind a bit, and any national expectations I have come from that stem.

In almost every person there burns some flame of personal freedom - in some that flame seems dim almost to the point of disappearance, and those folks will not much decide our future. They make themselves pawns - as ever. In some, that flame burns bright and strong - an immense source of hope.

In many, many folks that flame has been unrealized/subjugated/suppressed by many factors - some due to personal interests/choices, some due to unconsidered lives, some due to devious indoctrination, etc., etc. The stirring of the flame of personal freedom, self-reliance and personal responsibility in these folks will be the deciding factor. I remain very hopeful - even with a degree of optimism..

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron