I almost deleted my post. I won't apologize, because I meant it. I like a lot of the stuff you say on here. I understand where you're coming from but...it's like you're compromising on the first thing...we've already lost so much by compromise. That's what the enemy expects of us.

I kid around on here a lot but allow me a bit of leeway to sermonize...if you believe in the Bible, the devil loves strife and death...his children love it too and that is what we are ultimately up against. Our side consists of families and people who love peace and prosperity. We are willing to go to great lengths to keep those things. The other side constantly talks about compromise but it is not compromise when somebody who has nothing is willing to "compromise" with you and only take half of what you have. A compromise is where somebody gives and somebody else gives, but the communist idea of compromise is somebody gives and somebody gets.

So you've got a bunch of people who are willing to give up their name...to compromise, in order to get their state. It's just a name. What about the State of Obama? But hey, we've got these two new "Conservative" Senators that are gonna ride in on their white horses and save us from compromise when they were born of it.