Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by BobMt
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
The first "Civil War" came about IMO, when Yankees invaded Kansas and started attacking so-called "pro-slavery" people in the territory and also in Missouri. They won that round because Kansas, nominally southern, fell to them by about 1859. Terrorism continued with John Brown attacking the Federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry. Then Lincoln would not evacuate a southern territory after the Confederacy declared independence and initiated a war now called "Civil" but in actuality an invasion of another country. He prosecuted it successfully and then when Lincoln himself didn't have the stomach for crushing the South even more under "Reconstruction" he was taken out and his replacement impeached. The ones behind the scenes finally got what they wanted, the South as an economic colony to be raped and pillaged for monies always headed to the big boys. What was the motivation? Outwardly, just as today, Black Lives Matter. In reality, just like the Bible says, "the love of money". Today just like then, a few big boys reap a huge reward by disguising their movement in humanitarian terms. Just like then, a cabal of useful WHITE idiots run the show for them and blacks are recruited for further window dressing.

So is it really a second Civil War or did the first one never end?

2cd......this time team up with the north and you will win.......bob
Never happen. Team North=Snowflake radical ANTIFA types.

they are the only ones throwing down any violence ......bob