Originally Posted by RJY66
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
The Southerners keep blaming us for a war they lost 100 years before we were even born.

I think it's fair to blame them for importing all these Negroes, instead of hiring white people, to pick their cotton. For the sake of the 2% of Southerners who owned plantations, we have been left with a lawless horde with low IQs and lack of impulse control.

That would be true if so many slaves had not been brought into places like Massachusetts earlier and sold all over. The north was for slavery before they were against it which was one of the problems. Hell, all of the western world was at one time or another. In hindsight we absolutely should have picked our own crops.

I'm a southerner from way back.....could be in the Sons of Confederate Veterans with either side of my family if I wanted. I don't blame anyone living in the North today for anything that happened in those days. I don't particularly care for the way the Confederacy is demonized in the media and by the communists today but that is a minor annoyance way behind the way plain old white people are demonized by them today.

I'm just as hacked off that these idiots were allowed to tear down General Grant's statue as I am that they were allowed to tear down General Lee's statue.

Lee was against slavery and secession.His old home place inherited by his wife is now Arlington National Cemetery.

Last edited by jdm953; 06/30/20.

Ideas are far more powerful than guns, We dont let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas. "Joseph Stalin"

He who has braved youths dizzy heat dreads not the frost of age.