Originally Posted by simonkenton7
Originally Posted by rem141r
I've had my SD for almost 6 years and never checked the spare. its one of those things i always said i need to do but always forgot. well i got my first flat the other day and went to use the spare. luckily i was in my driveway. apparently Ford thinks these spares are worth locking up. they have a "key" which is like a socket with a soda machine key on the end. its supposed to be in the glove box. well mine wasn't and i am 99% sure never was because i would have seen something like that for sure. theres a little jar of touchup paint and a manual for every other friggen thing in there but no key for the spare. so i call ford and they said they need the VIN and $107 for this f ucken thing they didn't give me with my $40k truck. i argued with them and they agreed to give it to me for cost, which was $56 bucks. about $51 more than its worth. so i get the thing and am able to crank the spare down and live happily ever after. but, if you have a Ford truck, you ougtta check it out before you really need it.

You have had a vehicle for 6 years and never checked the spare. That is hard for me to comprehend.
Too bad you weren't in Boy Scouts.
The motto is "Be Prepared."

thanks for the judgement. now go f uck yourself.

My diploma is a DD214