We kept looking the other way as they slowly chipped at our trunk and now the tree trembles . We were hiding behind the constitution because it guarantees our rights , when reality is , it was a guide for us to remain free men which required vigilant watch and action .
We got to comfy in our world and ignored the fact that the communists cared not what our constitution guaranteed .
So many have overlooked the fact that the constitution was written at a time when earning freedom was fresh in the minds of everyone who earned it and written by those who understood it was a doctrine that needed a vigilant watch and a vigilant action .
Freedom of speech I am sure was granted with thought in mind that we would have the common sense to recognize that freedom of all speech is not smart .
It is loud and clear now what a weapon unguarded speech has become .
When a person speaks of legislation or politics that threaten our freedoms, it should be a red flag and considered a serious threat . For to long we thought by voting the undesirables out would keep us safe when in reality they just sauntered off and came back from different angles till they eventually got elected or appointed into the system and slowly got people of their ilk in positions they wanted .
To long , known socialist and communist were allowed to live among us .
We failed to recognize the need to exile the enemy .
Think about it , why would anyone with a grain of brain allow an enemy of freedom to hold any office or reside here ?

Never made any sense to me .