Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by callnum
Not one single protester set foot on Buffy and Biffs, not one. Buffy and Biff do not own the sidewalk or the street.

Had one of the protesters had a gun they could have legally shot either Buffy or Biff as the painted the crowd with guns neither had a clue how to use.

The sidewalk and street are behind a gate that the mob broke down to gain access to the PRIVATE community. The sidewalk and street are owned by the homeowner's associations in a gated community, at least all that I'm familiar with. The HOA is comprised of members who own property there which means Buffy and Biffs do own the sidewalk and the street and the mob was trespassing on their property.

If a member of the mob had shot either Buffy or Biff they would have done so while already in the commission of another crime which elevates the charges to capital murder in many states, I don't know about Missouri.

I don't think you can say who owns that gated community, nor how it is legally set up. It could be that a separate property management company owns and maintains the community property. No one is pressing charges on the crowd....that's not just incidental. It doesn't matter. I am convinced at this point that the whole thing is a faked hoax. It makes no sense. These "protesters" just bused to a gated community, broke in, and started marching, and then a pair of VERY connected democrat law firm owners run outside looking like clowns brandishing firearms at the crowd while perfectly framed photos are snapped by...whom? Yeah. a hoax. If it looks like schitt and smells like schitt and sticks to your boots like schitt, you are stepping in schitt.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.