BamBam is preaching good juju. Hard part right now is just to find one. You can also go to BCM's website and put yourself on the mailing list for the lower you want when they get them back in stock. Same thing with the upper, if you decide to go that way. Whatever you decide, the key will be to jump when what you want becomes available.

I would also recommend getting the SBA brace with the lower. It will save you some money (and some aggravation). With the combo BamBam put up the link for, the SBA3 pencils out to about $80. They're running ~ $129 or so separately.

Best of luck in finding and getting what you want.

PS- Silencerco fan here, too.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member