I'll share just one, but this is indicative of what you will find in that group, hundreds and hundreds of stories like this one..

Forgive me for how long this is, but I feel like it's important that people know how easily a lefty can get brainwashed into believing lies.... like I was.
This is my much more detailed #walkaway story:
First off I was born and raised in a christian household in CA along with all of my siblings. My parents on the other hand, migrated here from Mexico. Their purpose was to have a better life for their future kids.
However, the problem was that they came here with the same culture from the same Country they migrated from. So, the mentality they had coming here was "Work Harder" and "Remember, you're a Latino." So our association was within our own.
This same mentality was brought into me. I felt like people of color were being targeted and had to prove themselfs twice as much to be successful. I felt like I always had something to prove, but not because of my competitors, but because of the color of my skin.
So what did i do? I started hanging out with blacks and Latinos, cause I felt like we had something in common- "Fight harder, Fight against". Plus, at this time we had moved into a very bad area, high crime rate, drugs, etc. The infuence I had around me was all the same.
Started doing drugs, hanging out with dumb kids doing dumb things being in dumb places.
Every cop I saw was a pig. I thought they only wanted power against the weak. Had the same look for every single one of them. I knew they were out to target people of color, especially blacks. Everytime I saw a police officer, I thought I was going to be a victim.
Everytime I seen a white person look at me, I thought they were being prejudice, or even racist towards me.
I had believed in white privilege, and white superiority. All because of the influence I had.
Fast forward to Obamas term. I was ignorant of politics and especially his political agenda. I seen him as the first black man to be president and thought it was "amazing". Didn't know anything about him or what his plan was, but he was such a nice and straight forward president that I even referred to him as the "best president ever", yes just for the color of his skin.
Then we go into Trumps presidency. And I gotta tell you, wow! did I get shook. My family and I just couldn't even believe he was running for president. It all seemed like a joke. Hilary seemed even worse, and the fact that we had this joke of a presidency, i truly believed just about anyone as dumb as Trump can run.
Everything that came out of his mouth was not only funny and stupid but disgusting.
The media just kept hammering him HARD! and everything i looked at, i fell for.
I started to really hate Trump supporters. Like everyone else, they were all racist, bigots, "Nazis." They only wanted this Country to be white again- or so I thought.
I started going on YouTube, searching for "Trump supporters getting beatup." And at no surprise did I found a ton of videos. I was satisfied when a "nazi" would get punched by an angry mob. I even saw a poor young lady get dragged out from a car, beat up, robbed from and left on the street to bleed. Simply because she voted for Trump.
Apparently the media told all of us that Trump supporters were racist nazis and it was okay to beat the hell out of them.
The news would release Huge outburst from Black Folks getting kicked out of Trump speeches because they were "black". But they didn't do anything, they were just "Listening while black", or that's what they wanted us to believe.
I had a friend that had talked about Donald Trump a lot, and one day he sowed a seed in my heart.
I started getting curious. I always wondered how can the news speak so poorly of a president?
I've seen accusations be thrown from left to right. I started to look through and wonder, how in the hell can a president be accused of this many crimes?
But the funny part was, NOT ONE of those accusations were proven true.
"WHAT?" You're telling me, not one accusation was true? surely, out of 100, at least one needed to be? NOPE not ONE.
This had me wondering. I started to see more conservative talks. Wanted to see just how racist these people were. And at a surprise I found absolutely NOTHING. I just saw..... this side who was peaceful, reasonable and had Love in their hearts for America. To us it was racist because all they wanted to do was Make America Great Again. At first, I thought these groups were rare. But no, the majority of these conservative groups were Trump supporters. The same people the media said were racist bigots? But how? I even saw diversity in them. You're telling me they could talk to you without calling you names? without seeing you for the color of your skin? Were they really this nice?
I seen this video at a Trump support rally. They were marching and Antifa comes in to try and pull them away. But I didn't see anything racist from the Trump supporters. I only saw Antifa calling them fascists, nazis and all these names, getting aggressive and violent. I started realizing that these people only ever fought back to defend themselfs from these angry pack of wolfs who would attack them. I started seeing innocent women and children get beat for pleasure, and have these people laugh and cheer because they were surely convinced that they were "racist nazis."
More of this kept airing, and I about just got sick of it. I started seeing the Democrat party promising and promising things to people of color but never delivered crap. They just wanted their votes. They wanted minorities to stay mad and want them to be "victims."
I would then talk to these individuals, and surely I tell you I had very civil conversations, with just about all of them. I got along with them even better than my own kind.
I told myself, I have a choice.
Either I follow a group of morons who are fighting for nothing, or I follow a group who truly Loves America and TRULY wants to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and fights for God. So I chose to be a conservative.
They aligned with my beliefs, morals and they placed America first.
The moment I got rid of the victim mindset, was the moment I was trully set FREE.
I refused to be a victim, and I placed a mind of my own.
I started to realize just how FREE I was in this Country. The opportunities were imense!
They really did love America, but most importantly they really did love God.
And now I'm convinced that God had put Trump into power to not only MAGA, but to bring God into America and expose the evil that has been ignored for too long. There has NEVER been a president who has been treated like Donald Trump has. Never has been a president who has accomplished what he has, given the circumstances. But most importantly he Loves God and places America FIRST, and that's what we need.
I'm glad to be a Patriot for this Loving country. I decided to be a firefighter to undo who I was and serve my beautiful America along with every single one of you.
This truly is the Land of the free, and I'll fight with all of you to KEEP AMERICA GREAT.
Never voted, but this year Donald Trump you have my vote! By a mile!
And as of 2017, I am a Patriot! A police supporter and a Trump supporter!
I Love this Country so much that it's sad to believe people are washed into believing it to be nothing, as I once was.
There's only ONE man I kneel down to, and that's my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, no other. God cleared the scales from beneath my eyes. The truth set me free.
This is the GREATEST Country on earth, and we're to keep it that way!
One thing forsure, we CAN'T let the devilcrats win. If they win, everything this Country stands for will burn to the ground. This will never be a socialist Country, and ill fight beside you all to make sure it doesn't get there.
Lets pray for Our President. He is our only hope.
I am honored to be in this group. YOU truly are all REAL AMERICAN PATRIOTS.
Thank you so much for reading my story, and God bless every single one of you.
Psss.. Any conservative friend is welcome in my friend list! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
#Walkaway #Trump2020 #WWG1WGA