What Russian could make this schiiiittt up?

LoLo Klang
5d ·
My walkaway story begins in my family of origin in Philly: my dad was a union truck driver, blue collar hard working. Being a democrat meant siding with workers rights, fighting for the rights and well being of the hard working American. I associated Republicans w wealth, greed and those who would exploit good hard working people so that they could profit off of their labor without laboring themselves. Also, as a non religious person, I didn’t like the way the right wanted to mix church w state and dictate what a girl or woman should do with her body- that remains a horrific prospect to me- the concepts of rape and nonconsent are alive for me in this. These were perhaps the fundamental problems I had w the right. I hadn’t yet become aware that there was a center, or independents, let alone libertarians which is where I believe I fall now.
As a teenager I learned about corruption, class differences and infringements on freedom through punk rock. I became what I will call a theoretical anarchist: I believed in self responsibility ultimately. (in hindsight, I see that this was a foreshadowing of my current libertarian values.)I began to see government as bad, and “power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I maintained a cynical attitude about all things government, while also remaining largely ignorant and detached by choice. As a punk I was on the outside of mainstream society and culture- I simply didn’t engage w mainstream people. I didn’t identify w the consumerism and conformity I saw. I knew the government was dirty but didn’t feel there was much that could be done about it. Whenever I saw and heard politicians, I could sense bullshit. I had no idea at the time how accurate my empathic sensitivities were.
But I needed to vote so that women could be sovereign over their own bodies. And I needed the separation of church and state, and didn’t like how the Right seemed to have put themselves in some place of dictating morality. So I voted for Clinton, voted against the Bushes and for Obama.
For most of my life I was not truly aware of the deep state. I was well trained in avoiding and dismissing “conspiracy theories” until 9-11, which was perhaps my first **major wake up call**. I won’t launch into a diatribe about that right now, but I think this is when I started doing my own research because the smell of BS in the air was so thick and undeniable for me. I saw how the deep state narrative was enforced and reinforced. I watched in amazement how many people went along w the narrative and I got to see what I now understand as “sheep” behavior- where people don’t consider common sense, don’t question authority and just follow along and accept whatever they’re fed. I could really not accept that I had just witnessed the murder of thousands of Americans at the hands of and on the supposed watch of a US president, a president I was soon to learn was personal friends w the Bin Laden family (and the Clintons for that matter. ) Dots connected. Here I got to truly see the anatomy of a murderous conspiracy which indeed was not just a theory but a reality. And I fully came to understand that the stigma of “conspiracy theory” labeling was just an effective way to stop people from questioning the mainstream narrative. (And then down the rabbit holes I dived!) Years later, one of the first things I learned about Trump was that he questioned the 9-11 narrative. I was really struck by this and it indicated to me that Trump was outside of the power structure that had spun and upheld that narrative.
Since 9-11, but mostly during the last 5 years or so, I continued to do my own research, and the dots kept lining up and connecting, even when I wasn’t looking for them to do so. My research has been extensive and has gone to places and questioned things most humans won’t go near, on topics from the manipulation of our DNA (see vaccines/Gates) to what the moon really is (and everything in between), how electromagnetic radiation, chemtrails, glyphosphate, fluoride and pharmaceuticals are all intertwined in keeping us docile, anxious, depressed, sick, cancerous, prematurely aged and dying—-methods of suppression and oppression. I learned about Agenda 21 and the New World Order. And I shifted from a blue vs red mindset to a corrupt deep state vs the Alliance/Q frame. I shifted out of what I’ve come to see as a sort of childlike naïveté into major awareness about the cabal that has been running this planet for a very long time.
I have tracked Trump’s work with the help of truth-seeking TRUE journalists on line, journalists that present common sense and facts and real sources.
I’m a Trump supporter because, as far as I can see, he’s the only president to go against the old guard deep state since JFK. No form of government or of economic system can work (for the people) as long as there is corruption, especially the vast, well established deeply entrenched corruption that the cabal has established. Trump is an agent fighting to free us from this. And like so many others, I have watched the Dem party morph into a bizarre, lying, hate and division sowing machine—- the true colors of the deep state shining through ever more clearly as the Trump admin and the Alliance have put them through their paces. I’ve come to fully understand that I am a constitutionalist, a patriot and perhaps- despite my “dark”, edgy or subcultural, style and tastes- even a conservative in the sense that I want to conserve the principles this country was founded upon.
So I’ve walked away and am so glad to find you all here! WWG1WGA!!
MAGA and TRUMP 2020!
Light Peace and Love to you all
#WalkAway #WWG1WGA