I read all these War of Northern Aggression posts.
How it was about States rights....that argument doesn't need hashed here.
Ironic how so many want federal intervention, based on their thought, on this issue.

I'm a believer in states rights, local rule, individual rights and responsibilities.
These are local issues, with national connotations.

Somebody mentioned, "as long as their hearts are in the right place" or similar.

That just flat doesn't work. Don't think it, don't try it. Never!
We have written laws to avoid the issue of where "the right place" is.

Do you want Feds to have power over your town based on what they feel like?

Ask Randy Weaver, or David Koresh. Well, David never got to talk, did he?

The answer isn't easy,
But I feel it's local.
Dam shame for people to have to suffer this, i dont like it.
Especially, the truly good people there. Libbs, or conservatives.
But it's their towns, their politicians. Their issue to solve.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!