Hello Patriots! I love reading all your stories, here’s my #walkaway story if you’re interested in reading!
I grew up in Seattle and now live in Los Angeles need I say more? 😜 I never followed politics or had an opinion because deep down in my heart, I leaned conservative and as we know, that wasn’t acceptable. I decided it’s better to stay silent then to speak up and lose friends. Ironic, isn’t it? Since I avoided politics at all costs, I continued with this “I hate politics” mantra.
In 2016, I didn’t vote for Hillary or Trump. There was no way I was going to vote for Hillary with her criminal background and nasty personality but I also knew Trump was a businessman and came off offensive to people so it seemed like a lose-lose. When Trump won, I remember my colleagues being so upset and angry. In this moment, I actually felt oddly happy Trump won, I can’t even explain to you why. I just didn’t like the anger and bad attitudes of my liberal co-workers and friends. The things they were saying just didn’t make sense; they didn’t seem to care about America or it’s people. They were always pointing blame and never taking accountability for what THEIR party has or hasn’t done.
The last 3 years, I’ve continued to stay silent and not really vote. I told people I was moderate just to get them to leave me alone. When COVID hit, I started watching the news. My gut was telling me something was off so I began watching Trump’s press conferences. It was then I realized the media was the driver in villainizing him. He has so much passion and love for our country and people, I started to have more compassion and empathy for him. In the past, I just assumed what the media said about him was true. Well you know what happens when you assume, it makes an ASS out of U and ME (assume). This should be CNN’s tagline… I digress. From there, I started reading and researching and doing the work to understand politics and what’s actually happening and how much GOOD Trump has done for our country compared to previous administrations. When all the riots and violence started and the media and celebrities were condoning and praising this behavior, I couldn’t comprehend it. I was watching both my democratic cities burn in violence and hate, and this is supposed to be the party of equality and acceptance? I’ve never seen something so hypocritical and vile. It actually made me angry; angry to the point I knew very clearly that I was going to vote Republican this year. #Trump2020
Democrats don’t care about you or our country; they care about getting your vote so they can erase history and create socialism and anarchy. The best part is, when I’ve tried to provide liberals with facts and data that is against their narrative, they go completely hostile. The truth hurts, doesn’t it!
I could go on and on and I know you all get it. I’m so happy to finally feel FREE. Free from holding in my opinions because I was afraid of the consequences. I’m so happy I found a community that understands and feels that same way I do. There is hope and WE have to be the change. As MLK Jr. once said, "Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education." Praise God that we have been educated and see the light!! God Bless America!! 🇺🇸