Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by Barkoff
Originally Posted by auk1124
I think he could call down the Heavenly Choir to spread peace, joy, and love throughout the land, and there still wouldn't be more than a handful of people in any of those inner cities who would vote for him...

I don't know..if you belong to Facebook, look up the group #walkaway..it will blow your mind. There are thousands of hardcore liberals walking away from the democrat party. I'm talking about two time Obama voters, Hillary voters who melted down on election night, who have had enough and walked away. I joined the group to read and learn, and the new members are coming in like a ticker-tape. I think in the first month it was somewhere around 25K, now the group is up over 300K last I looked.

Very interesting.

If you belong to FB, join up, it will do your heart good to read these stories, it gives you hope. And I don't know how to explain it, bubt I have never seen so many HOT gals leave one party to join the other, I mean some real lookers.

Hi, I’m Sat Kirtin and this is why I #walkaway
I first walked away from the USA in the spring of 2018. Spending two years between Mexico and Guatemala I have gained a different perspective on what it means to be an “American”.
First of all, just calling ourselves “American” is politically incorrect. As there are South Americans, Central Americans and even other North Americans…
Anyhoo, back to my story.
I was born and raised in a conservative household. And yet, I never embraced the values of the RIGHT. Nor did I fully embrace the LEFT.
Ever since I first registered to vote, I have chosen INDEPENDENT.
I knew to register as an Independent meant I would forfeit my ability to vote in any primary election, and this was fine by me. I was not interested in politics. I saw both sides as corrupt and argued that “BOTH parties were merely puppets to the same masters.”
As for following debates and reading up on issues… I was more interested in studying science. I dedicated fifteen years of my life to the pursuit of Environmental/Civil Engineering and was actively involved with Engineers Without Borders; helping communities in developing nations gain access to clean drinking water and sanitation. My only interest in politics was as it related to my work; in water issues and the environment.
In 2011 I had a mental breakdown which lead to a spiritual awakening. It was then that my interests shifted to studying spiritual masters, practicing yoga and discovering my own truth through meditation.
It was at this point, I started to relate more with the Democratic party and their values. When it came time for the election in 2016, I was passionately opposed to TRUMP and therefore voted HILLARY. I didn’t know anything about her really, yet I was determined that the “warmongering, sociopathic narcissist, racist” would NOT get my vote.
On the night of the election I was devastated. The only solace I could muster was that it must be ‘Divine Plan’. He must have been elected to highlight our dark shadows as a nation, so that we could finally begin to heal them.
Then came the recent Democratic Primaries. Marianne Williamson, author of one of the most seminal books in my library ‘A Return to Love’, announced she was running for president! WOW! Finally, a candidate I could endorse whole-heartedly! And that I did. I changed my voter’s registration to DEM for the first time in my life, so that I could vote in the primaries. I strongly supported her campaign, both monetarily and in spreading her message. I watched every debate and many of her speeches and town halls.
Despite being the most Googled candidate in the Democratic Debate (even with less than nine minutes of speaking time) I witnessed the media smear Marianne and exclude her from ‘women in the race for president’ coverage, as well as future debates. I witnessed how the DNC changed its rules to exclude Tulsi Gabbard from the debate stage, while welcoming in a new billionaire candidate at the 11th hour. Then I witnessed as all the other candidates (with the exception of Williamson) endorsed Biden, even Tulsi?! And Bernie once again took the fall.
Marianne Williamson herself said. “I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied like this. I thought the right did that, I thought we were better.”
Then came covid. Here in Guatemala we have been placed on a series of strict lockdowns and curfews since March 16, as we still are, with no end in sight. We have been mandated to wear masks in public since day one, with non-essential businesses closed down, leaving many out of work struggling to feed their families. Is there anywhere on Earth that hasn’t felt the effects of this pandemic?
And while our civil liberties are being stripped away before our very eyes for a virus no more deadly than the common flu, I couldn’t help but start to question, ”why?” and “for who’s benefit?”. Oh boy, did these questions send me down a rabbit hole. Being a holistic health practitioner myself I was floored by the lack of information being shared, regarding how to strengthen the immune system naturally — while alternative treatments were being banished, banned and mocked. It became very clear, very fast that there must be some larger agenda.
Then the riots began! Antifa, the BLM movement, defacing of monuments and worse yet, citizen shaming. As if it wasn’t bad enough with the covid crisis; neighbors snitching on each other, and nearly violent debates over whether or not to wear a mask. Now people are shaming each other in the name of racism!
Meanwhile, I see that Trump is not entirely playing along. I don’t see him being too concerned with wearing a mask. He has claimed to have taken hydroxychloroquine, himself. The President labeled Antifa a ‘terrorist organization’ — and made strong moves to call in the National Guard, to any city that was under fire & requesting assistance.
Many of my friends saw these moves as totally out of line; “He’s not doing enough to stop the spread of the virus. He’s crazy saying people should inject bleach. He’s facist for calling in the National Guard and installing curfews. He’s racist for calling Antifa a terrorist organization!”
Well here’s something interesting. Do you know who funds Antifa? Ever heard of George Soros? And when you click “donate” on blacklivesmatter.com you will see that all donations go to “ActBlue Charities”. Take one minute to google “ActBlue” and you will see; these funds go directly to Democratic campaigns.
At this point I became very angry. Could it be that the Democratic Party was now exploiting Black Americans for political purposes?
And yet the media would have us believe a very different story.
I have lost all faith in the media. Whatever happened to journalistic integrity? And then we have censorship on social media… throughout the entire pandemic, any article or post contrary to the “official story” is immediately “fact-checked” and taken down. Friends of mine have been banned from Facebook for days at a time, while some people I know have had their entire page or YouTube channel DELETED. Whatever happened to the 1st amendment? “It is for your protection”, they claim.
By now I was confused and didn’t know where to turn. So I started following Trump’s official pages on FB. WOW! What is coming directly from Trump is vastly different, from what I was hearing about him in the media. Once I opened myself enough to hear what he had to say in a full speech or press conference, it became clear how the media spins everything he says — in very manipulative ways to suit the agenda of the radical left. Have you ever heard of Operation Mockingbird? I’ll let you look that one up.
For these reasons and more, I now #walkaway from the LEFT.
I am not endorsing the RIGHT per se, however I am supporting Trump. He was never supposed to win the election. I remember the Republican Party and FOX News hating on him in 2016. They were convinced he would never win. Trump is a true ‘Trump Card’ in my mind, and I believe him (based upon his actions) when he says that he is “draining the swamp”.
Speaking this truth has been a profound experience for me. For this I have been shamed, ridiculed, smeared and harassed. And yet, it has been one of the greatest opportunities… in learning to break free from the need for other people’s approval.
The divisiveness that is playing out all over the globe is sickening. As humans, we all have different stories, different experiences, different perspectives — and that’s what makes the world so diverse and beautiful. How are we ever to evolve as a species if we cannot have open discussions?
I am eternally grateful for the #walkaway movement. We don’t have to agree on everything, yet we can accept each other’s differences with respect. As a humanity I believe it is high time that we focus on what unites, rather than what divides. This to me is key — united we stand, divided we fall.