The best grouse and all around dog I've ever had was a mostly liver colored brit.
We could hunt duck in the AM, then grouse all day, then duck in the PM.
If there was a bird in the woods, he would find it and he would actually point and hold grouse.
If they wild flushed, he would stand there and face the way they flushed.
If they flushed into a tree, he would sit and look up at them.
Never trained him to do that, but he did it.
He was tall enough to get around in the snow and small enough(45 lbs) to carry around, unlike my lab.
Like any dog, you need to get one from hunting stock and put your time into them.
As was mentioned, they are gentle and don't take kindly to a firm hand.
They are great family and house dogs too.
I had a friend that loved my brits attitude, so he bought one from the next litter for a house dog.
Never hunted a day in it's life, but it would point robins and small birds by his bird feeder all the time.
Go for it.

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