It sounds like you're looking for a companion dog more than a field dog. Britt would be a great choice. But get one from show stock........not hunting stock. My first Britt was a liver/white female from horseback FT stock. Took me the first year to reign her in to a closer working, hunting dog. She ended up being the dog of many lifetimes. Steady to wing & shot. Soft-mouthed retrieve to hand (even got a deep water retrieve on a turkey from her like she did it every day). Hunted balls out until I couldn't go anymore and still leaped into the bed of the pickup at the end. She was very affectionate to anyone. But really didn't want bothered much unless you were taking her to the field to run or hunt. At 4 years old I had her bred to the #2 stud Britt in the nation (#2 to his father who was #1) at that time. The sire was of show stock more than anything. Got 8 females and 2 males. Kept an orange female as my pick of the litter. Most beautifully perfect female Britt I've ever seen !!!! Dumb as a brick in the field. Sweet as pie. Laid back. But dumb. Never hunted a day in her life. But would have made a prefect companion dog.

Wollen nicht krank dein feind. Planen es.