So, to all of you who supposedly knew PHC while he was alive and writing, were you critical (then) to his face and publicly about what you are so critical of now that he is dead?

Did you call him a drunkard, accuse him of stealing others stories, etc. right to his face? Ever confront him personally? If you didn't do that while he was alive and in person, why would you do that now when he is dead? He cannot defend himself, cannot offer rebuttal.

I did not know the guy. Public debate about an author's facts or his life with the author is fine. Actually, its great, if there is just cause. I don't mind that. But when people say they knew the author, but to wait until after he is dead before publicly stating negative things about him, especially this type of stuff, in my opinion, is cowardly.

The same with John Taylor. Or WDM Bell, Wally Johnson, Elgin Gates, Herb Klein, et al.

An honest man's pillow, is his peace of mind... JM