Originally Posted by StoneCutter
Originally Posted by steve4102
The Left is pissed at Ruth.

F*** You Ruth Bader Ginsburg – F*** You for Not Retiring Under Obama!” – Leftists React to RBG’s Death


This is only a theory of mine. I've thought for the past 4 years that she made a huge strategic mistake. If she was smart about it, she should have retired while Obama was in office, say 2015 or before. But she didn't and then Scalia died so she had to hang in there. She probably figured that it wasn't a problem because she felt, like most of the Dems, that Hillary would win. If Hillary had won, I'm sure that she would have retired in 2017 as soon as they replaced Scalia. But Hillary didn't win, so she was screwed and she's been hanging in there in hopes that Trump will lose in November. She didn't make it long enough.

You are right. She had health problems under Obama, hell, she was 83 when Obama left office. She didn't retire because she was sure Hillary would win. She would have waited until 3 months after Hillary took office, and then they would have had an all-female party, where The First Woman President gets to appoint yet another female Supreme Court Justice. I will bet you that she already had that arranged with Hillary.