What Brush are we talking about that is so difficult???? The Maine Northwoods for Grouse and Woodcock? Flooded Timbers of Arkansas? Southeast Alaska in Rain Forest loaded with Devils Club? The UP chasing Grouse? Woodcock in Louisiana? Hmmm I hunt with 28" and 30" barrels and never once have had a problem. As far as a gun case buy the right size case and you will never have a problem putting your gun away.

I have hunted Upland Birds and Waterfowl my entire life from Southern Georgia to Texas in the south. Maine to Alaska and a few states in-between. I have not hunted the Central Midwest or the southern Western states. I have shot more flats of ammo hunting than the average weekend clays shooter. I have guided for both Upland Birds and waterfowl. I have never seen a case where the barrel was too long and caused a problem. Funny I have seen many shooters and hunters put away their shotguns in case both hard and soft with zero issues. I have been in and out of Layout boats in Long Island Sound, Boston Harbor, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. The length of the barrel has never been a problem. I have crawled in sloughs on my hands and knees again without problems! You guys act like two inches is two feet!

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.