Originally Posted by SPQR70AD
Originally Posted by Fireball2
OK, so how many black drug dealers died and why? Did the cops run out of ammo?

maybe they did they shot the female dealer 8 times. what is wrong with what I said about how to arrest her and search the house.
what amazes me is most of the guys here are boomers who were the biggest druggies in the 60's -80's. so after they had their fun they want the death penalty for people doing what they did. now in 1969 you did not have to worry about cops knocking your door down at 3 am and maybe killing you for selling weed or smoking it with a few people

Sure you dumb phouck, go ahead and take the side of a drug dealer vs cops who returned fire while serving a legally authorized warrant (whether you agree with that authorization is a different conversation)....gotta be anti cop consistently! It has been well proven that St Breonna was knee deep in the drug dealing enterprises of her ex. What were the cops supposed to do when they were fired Upon? Note that I am not a fan of no knocks, BUT the cops were authorized for one by a court in this case