Originally Posted by elkmtb
you guys need to stop with all the civil war BS. It's complete lunacy and sounds even more idiotic that the lefts antifa crowd. You're giving gun owners a bad name and providing fodder for the left.You either need to get back on your meds or realize you're being baited to say stupid stuff.

At worst there will be small pockets of unrest from the liberal give me free stuff crowd which will just lose them more supporters. Of course I have no problem with you protecting you and yours (in a legal manner) should that come to your front door. But wide spread violence- give me a break. If Trump wins he will have the freedom to step in where needed or where the democrat local gov't wont- oregon etc. If trump loses the good people of this country aren't going to go around looting and burning.

You need to find a set. The system has been subverted by the radical globalists and the election charade appears to have finally reached its breaking point. It is very possible that bloodshed will be required to preserve what little remains of individual liberty in the US. I don't give a damn about "providing fodder for the left". The radical left is arming up and needs to be viewed as yet another potential adversary. It's time to stop playing by the establishment's rules; the game is rigged against us and the best course of action is to knock the table over.

Sic Semper Tyrannis