Originally Posted by oldpinecricker
Why are folks on this forum always changing their rifle equipment up as frequent as changing underwear? Surely it not because the equipment is worn out. Is it marketing, or just wanting something different? My belongings for the most part are old and I keep them for decades. Im just wondering why folks switch up rifles with such frequency. I notice this amongst the younger bowbunting folks as well. Is it an arms or equipment race? Is there all that much gained by getting rid of an excellent Kimber Montana and getting something else. Im curious about this.

Recently I picked up a used left hand Ruger 30-06 because I simply wanted one and I didn't have a 30-06 sporting rifle. My main hunting rifle remains my Ruger Scout or the Ruger compact 338RCM. Nothing has changes there because I just dont need to change anything. But I was in actual need of an common 30-06 for recreation purpose and its a very common rifle worldwide. Left hand rifles aren't the easiest to come across. Also as I picked up this one I divested myself of a few others that got no use and were sitting around so it was actually not a loss and I'm still down two more than previous for less clutter.

You sound suspiciously like a rifle equipment changer....

It's you and the bullet, and all the rest is secondary.