My point isn't that I'm unsympathetic for people impacted by fires, my point is Americans are being conditioned to "close down the whole world". Whether it's covid, fires, or whatever, over the last few years I've watched freedom after freedom disappear because we are being conditioned that life can't have risk. If there is even a small chance something could happen, we must all lose our freedoms to ensure x,y,z can never happen. It's getting to the point I can't run equipment much of the year out of someone's irrational fear-based policy. Let me give you an example.

A few years ago I cut brush along roadways with a flail mower completing govt contracts. While the rest of the world was shut down due to fire danger, the govt allowed us to brush roadside. In the process of brushing, your mower inevitably hits rocks and sends sparks all over the place. I never started a fire. They didn't care, because it was their project. If Mr. Private Citizen had tried starting his tractor in the middle of his lush green lawn a neighbor would call and report him out of fear he was going to start a fire. We have been completely conditioned to live in fear, and worse yet, rat each other out, which most are all to happy to do.

Well, you know, life has risk. Drive a car? Risk. Play baseball? Risk. Climb a tree as a kid? Risk. Do you think as many mothers today let their kids climb a tree as did when we were kids? Nope, I doubt it to. We are being conditioned to give up all our freedoms in the name of fear.

In this case, close down the forests, in the fear that something might happen.

It's bullshit. And you campfire [bleep] don't mischaracterize what I mean, I know exactly what I mean.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack