I had some old friends from Grand County send me msgs yesterday evening as I was sitting on the front porch of the dairy (which now just raises a few calves and heifers) drinking a cold one. I thought about all my friends who have lost their homes, the ranches I poured concrete on and later did some packing and guiding out of. I thought of all the hunts and the times in the backcountry, and felt blessed and fortunate to have seen it before the biblical pestilence arrived.Most of the troublesome basin and all my old hunting grounds are now one big , ugly ash tray. Unfortunately, this devastation needed to occur at such an epic scale to provide solace for future generations of mankind and critters. As most of Grand County knew, it was a matter of when not if. Stay safe folks and count your blessings for sure! An entire economy and way of life was just abruptly put on pause, for many years!