Originally Posted by Ejp1234
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
Rush is the king of talk radio. Back in the seventies I was listening to Neal Boortz in Atlanta on am 640. He was real good, a libertarian.
He was not syndicated and I don't think there were any syndicated talk shows at that time.

Talk radio was going nowhere, slowly.
Limbaugh hit Atlanta in 1989, he was also on am 640. And he was syndicated when he made it in Atlanta he was then on in about 200 cities. Limbaugh revitalized talk radio.
Boortz got the idea, and when he got syndicated and was on about 340 stations.

Today Limbaugh is on about 640 stations, Hannity on about 600 and Dave Ramsey is third, on about 580 stations. Without resorting to google that is a pretty good look at the lineup.

Boortz never failed to praise Limbaugh and called him "The Godfather."

Your wrong, Stern is the king of radio.... more listeners and more $$....

Your wrong. Stern is the king of sleaze radio. He has the most low-brow listeners that go for that kind of stuff.

Rush was always way over their heads.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."