Slumload: They sure look great on T.V. - back in the 1960's and 1970's I was a HUGE submarine sandwich fan.
They were a wonderful treat especially on the "graveyard shift" as I could buy one and munch on it for the rest of my shift.
Eventually they devolved and in recent years turned to pre-digested schit ala "subway" etc etc etc!
Haven't had a good submarine sandwich in 20+ years.
The nearest Jersey Mike Sub Shop to me is 109 miles away (Bozeman, Montana) but the next time I get through there I am gonna buy TWO - one to eat right away and one for the next day.
Thank you for the recommendation.
I am looking forward to trying one.
Hold into the wind
P.S.: Glad to see you back on the CampFire - heard you were sick - hope you are fine and recuped.