Little Rock AFB, 1969
Midnight snack at the Base Ops snack bar
Bowl of chili that had probably been sitting there all day
5:00 AM- - - - -puking up everything I'd eaten for the last 3 weeks- - - -had to wait until 7:00 AM when sick call opened up. After 2 hours sitting around heaving up nothing but bile, they gave me a big shot of something that knocked me out for the rest of the day.

3 days later, after going from IV's to liquid diet, to a "soft" diet, they finally started testing. Nothing left to test, so my claim of food poisoning couldn't be proved. Diagnosis- - - -"Pancreatitis"- - - - -never had it before or since! So much for USAF docs and medical facilities!

Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid is forever!