I’ve mentioned this on here before but IMO a civil war in our lifetimes isn’t likely and isn’t necessary. The left has been handing us our azz for years without shooting. They figured out it was infinitely safer and more effective in the long run to peacefully (in the relative sense Vs. civil war) to take over media, teaching positions, that every election matters right down to DA and sheriff. To protest in front of cameras, boycott business, riot at times demand that the media bow to them (we get Faux they demand MSNBC) ect. We haven’t shown the will to pushback with there own playbook of largely safe and effective tactics. Thinking that we’re going to go from being to lazy to do zero to waging an effective civil war and quite possibly having our door kicked in and killed or sent to do life in the pen when we won’t even protest isn’t likely IMO.

Shoot just a few days ago several people on the fire openly believed the best winning strategy for constitutionalist was to watch the left loot and burn what are still American cities to the ground and not bother pushing back. Some even criticizing the few that did pushback. We were supposed to let them burn it down and then American would vote for Trump and he’d save us. Point being we couldn’t get groups to go counter protest mobs in our American cities. You think we’re going to build a functioning milita to fight the government?
We don’t need a war we do need large groups of conservatives all around the US to assemble and make ourselves seen. Stop watching faux demand OANN, get very actively involved in school boards and what our kids are learning, supplement it with more learning at home, create and pour money into groups and businesses that represent us ect So far we haven’t shown a willingness to do it on a large scale.

Looking at your AR and imaging yourself a modern revolutionary “someday” while doing nothing may be fun but it isn’t winning a thing. Voting in primaries, emailing politicians even when they don’t listen, trying to spend money on business that represent your views, giving money to pro 2A groups and other conservative causes, showing up for rallies, getting rid of cable, FB, and as much of the lib social media as possible, teaching your kids and educating anyone else that will listen are all less glamorous but far more effective strategies. They’re also the strategies that the left has been using on us. They work and it’s what we should be doing too.

Last edited by TheLastLemming76; 11/06/20.