Originally Posted by Clydesdale
Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
I've thought a lot about this for the past year, and with some insights provided by others, have come to the conclusion that the next revolt (revolution) will simply be a movement of "NO!". There won't be any figurehead or leader, at least at the outset, and it won't involve any particular political party, since both are so contrived and hijacked that they only serve the purposes of the enemy. There won't be a mass of people rallying together, at least at the outset. It will simply begin with many people individually saying, "NO. I won't do it. I won't support the fraud and the corruption. I won't support the dismantling of the Constitution. I won't support paying more and more of my resources to people who are actively trying to openly enslave me. I claim my freedom, the freedom that was always mine, by simply saying,'NO'"

That is what REAL freedom and autonomy are: the power to refuse. Every two-year-old understands this, but it is eventually endoctrinated out of us. If we cannot say "NO", we are subjects, serfs, and slaves. This doesn't have to be a conservative or a liberal thing. We have common ground here. Both "sides" are being ruled by the same corrupt entities. There is no way to prevent the balkanization of America, as it has been orchestrated and directed from the media and other powerful and unaccountable entities. But I don't wish to have my neighbor enslaved to serve me, either, regardless of his political ideas. I would fight against anyone attempting to enslave a free people for their own ends, and that is exactly what America has become.

By the way, not that this would happen. But posting your brilliant revolution plans on a forum is giving away your tactical advantage.

LOL, he didn't post any "plans," he posted a concept.

A wise man is frequently humbled.