I am less and less of the mind that Trump will be president on 1/20, it's possible, but sliding to less likely,

Occams Razor says fraud didn't happen: Biden won.

There was fraud, the questions are how much and can it be proven and if so, how fast.

- If, and I think this is a long shot, Trump can prove fraud, the only option is to toss it to the House, If that happens, it's a toss up. How many of the R states will just say 'well our state voted this way'? How many will side with the popular vote? this is NOT a slam dunk for Trump. There will be HUGE pressure to pick Biden and HUGE protests if not Biden.

- If he proves fraud, but not in time, then Biden is president, then what? Biden takes the fall and Harris is president. This one I fear the most. And assumign the fraud mess is real, may very well be the plan all along.

- If he can't prove fraud, to the legal limits, then Biden is president and stays there while the media essentially ignores things.

Sorry folks, I don't see Trump being president, and if he is, I see it being more contentious that the last 4 years. i see most likely is that fraud is proven, but Biden takes the fall and we get harris

Under non of these do I see much changing UNLESS Trump is president on 1/20