I think the Supreme Court is going to do some radical sfuff here and stall the electoral process and put it on the FBI/ DOJ to get off their arse and do an investigation...Too many witnesses across multiple states reporting fraud/ signing affidavits. Too many state laws flat out broken...Too many statisticsl anomolies/ impossibilities in the vote counts showing there was fraud...I'm not sure there is a clause in the Constitution to deal with all that went on in this election; especially, if the FBI and DOJ are not cooperating and doing a serious investigation..The Supreme Court really has nothing to go off of to make an accurate ruling because the system is broken, and the DOJ and FBI arent doing the job they are supposed to do....It's entirely possible foreign interference was a part of the fraud too which makes this even more serious... They have to do something to get an investigation going; else, how can they possibly accurately make a ruling on this?

As far as who gets the Presidency temporarily while an investigation is conducted; unfortunately, it might be Pelosi or whichever DEM the new make up of the House picks as Speaker...

Last edited by Ramdiesel; 11/23/20.