Originally Posted by 22250rem
I got educated on this topic back in 1967-68 by old guys who had witnessed the Nazi's "fundamental transformation" of Germany. They said this was how the U'S. government might be overthrown. A lot of our current stuff also reminds me of things I heard from Cubans about the commies taking over Cuba. Especially about people getting branded as enemies of the state, or some such derogatory term. Those Cuban guys got out while they still could do so easily, and had some good stories. Now; at age 70 and with so few people left who recall that stuff, I'm realizing how history repeats itself as the older folks die off and younger folks get suckered into the same old traps.

If you wernt so far away I would say we had the same Civics teacher.

Ideas are far more powerful than guns, We dont let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas. "Joseph Stalin"

He who has braved youths dizzy heat dreads not the frost of age.