America is under attack from within. Foreign Countries have managed to infiltrate the democrat party and it has devolved into a Communist organization bent on the destruction of our Nation. Single elections have been stolen for a long time by the democrats and Maricopa County Arizona is good at it. That's how those trunkful of ballots were inexplicably found after the election was won by the Republican and it was given to the Democrat. Franken beat Coleman by something like 134 votes or so After the election was already called for Coleman and he conceded. There have been many others over the years but this particular election stands alone for the in your face corruption that was plotted and executed in the open with Foreign involvement in many states. Our major media outlets have devolved into a propaganda machine that would make Joseph Goebbels blush. Social media outlets used their unabated power to purchase the election and deny any opposition to be published.

Almost since our founding politicians have worked to ignore and defame the Constitution in favor of their political beliefs and to their financial gain. Democrats control education, the courts and use immigration (unabated migration) to elect people to Congress that openly work to destroy our Nation and we have allowed it to happen until it has become a cancer that cannot be ignored any longer.