Originally Posted by kwg020
We would have been going through all of this 4 years ago if DJT had not won the presidency. Hillary clintoon would of done the same thing becuase as she said in high school, I want to make the world a better place. Her version of a better place is socialism on steroids. You can thank Donald Trump that he gave us 4 years to arm up, store up and Supreme Court up. Now you know why the main stream media hates him and us so much.


I disagree.

Trump ramped it up.
A lot.

Obama had the brass ring in sight, and was pulling toward it.
Hillary would have kept moving in that direction.

Trump stopped their momentum, and threatened a reversal of their gains.

That's why the Squad came in.
And why a few 1st term reps got so dam much power.
Under Hillary I believe the heat would have continued to increase.
Now, they have went blowtorch.
They are close, and the hammers down.
Either gonna win, or blow this mother plugger sky high!

Last edited by Dillonbuck; 07/19/21.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!