Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush
I do online transaction frequently and will not use Paypal at all. They are a huge ANTI 2A, hyper liberal outfit, and will screw you (as you just found out) in a heartbeat. They figure most will not go through the hassle of fighting with them, so they pocket the cash. At the worst they have to pay the money back. So out of every 100 people they rip off for 100 dollars, only 7 or 8 fight them and get their money back, the other 97% of the time they are ripping off the consumers.

No thanks.

There's so many scumbags and scumbag companies out there it's hard to keep track. I'm working on purging as many of these companies as I can from my life. Thanks for the info. Pretty soon, I'm going to be paying cash for everything I guess.

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.