Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Simple question.

Our only chance was for Trump to literally drain the swamp, i.e., he needed to set up a special agency whose only purpose was to weed out the enemies domestic that had wormed their way into the permanent government, charge, try, and execute many, sentencing many more to long prison terms for treason. I saw early on that this was not in the works, so my expectations as far as his administration being a solution to what was destroying our nation, dropped dramatically quite soon after he took office. I quickly started viewing him as a mere short respite from the inevitable overt Marxist takeover and downfall of the United States. My hope was that we'd get an eight year respite, but sadly it only lasted four.

I was a big Trump supporter during the campaign even though I knew it was going to be very unlikely that he did all he said he would do. I liked the fact that he was at least saying what needed to be said. I'm disappointed that he wasn't able to do more. But the big concern is seeing exactly how bad the situation is. Trump caused the deep state to reveal themselves and the extent of their influence. It's also quite concerning that the deep state has targeted the right to the extent it has.