Originally Posted by Raeford
Originally Posted by burrinho
His response, or lack of one, to COVID was a failure. That will overshadow everything else, except January 6th. In twenty years no one will admit they voted for him.

Name the last vaccine prior to Covid-19 that was on the market in under one year.
While you are at it also explain what it took to get said vaccine to market in under a year.

The availability of a vaccine is NOT his success. The cocktail was mixed in a lab, not in the White House. By the way, according to DJT, May 8, 2020: "This is going to go away without a vaccine."

In April 2020: DJT: "And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that."

Pointing to his head, Mr Trump went on: "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."

Elmer Keith