Originally Posted by shootem
Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by Benedict
He was a failure since conception, has been and always will be.

In the years to come, his supporters will dwindle as his legacy of death and destruction of America and it's people begins to show itself and the truth behind it.

Supporters of Mr. Trump will rue the day he breathed as President of this country.

God Bless you all, for you will need it, as your hatred for your fellow Americans, and fellow man, who dared to think differently from you, to believe differently than you, to pray differently than you, to breath differently than you, takes you to the place where you belong, Hades for eternity.



Sweet Jesus. What mental midgets. He has no legacy of death and destruction fool. And praise the day his accomplishments and the truth behind their enbattlement are fully seen in the light of day. The true level of corruption, censorship, bias, bigotry, foreign collusion, unconstitutional voter law, unconstitutional voter lists and illegal voters. And you pitiful puddles of puke decry ANYONE who differs with your version of truth. El-oh-El. Laaafiin!! Cryin laffin! Condemning us to hell for our belief system. LOLOL😋😂😂! I

How do you remember to breath? laffin laffin laffin. HWAAAAHHH!!! LOL!! But seriously folks. You support abortion without cause for an infant human at any stage of gestation. And I’m going to hell? You support the killing of infant children who have survived attempted murder and managed to be born alive. And I’m going to hell. I’m going to hell for supporting freedom of thought and freedom of speech. You tell me it’s normal for an adolescent to undergo chemical and physical castration in an adult sanctioned permanent mutilation of that which God created. But I’m going to hell for disagreeing. You support that which is loathful to God himself but it’s me he’s sending to hell, for disagreeing with you. You pitiful, un-Godly, perverse, inhumane, supporter of all that that is demonic and nothing Biblical. Friend, read up oh hell. You don’t want to be completely disoriented. But don’t worry about a map. God has that covered. Putrid punk.

So, his lies and failure regarding COVID, now with a body count of over 400,000 Americans, doesn't count? You are an idiot.

The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. Saxton Pope