Originally Posted by aalf

I bought a 2X Wraith a month or 2 ago. Took it out several nights to test it out, and decided if I was going to need a different light, I might as well jump in with both feet & put the coin into a thermal instead. One of those nights it was below freezing, and the eyepiece fogged over, rendering it useless. How the hell are you supposed to kill something while set up calling coyotes, scanning for incoming, and it fogs up? The answer I guess is to drop a couple more grand for a dedicated scanner..... cry

Most research seemed to show thermal is/was favored over NV. The Hogster 35 is on my radar, but I'm not sure if I want to do it this late in the season. Too bad hides weren't worth more around here to help the cause.....

Thermal wins hands down for a dedicated hunting optic...

What you say makes perfect sense and when it comes to good IR lights it’s more than just how bright it is. The light needs to be able to “cut” through photonic barriers...IE..fog, humidity, dust, smoke, and other light etc.

There is a considerable amount of image quality in the Super Hogster over the 35. Little more money, but it being a 12 micron pixel pitch makes a big difference IMO.