Oldest daughter's Poodle-Ausie Shepard bitch mix had a litter of 11 pups late last year and had them all sold but one (they kept one) for big bucks before they were a month old. The sire is a Goldendoodle. She's got another litter due next weekend from the same two dogs. Bunch of people have already spoke interest in buying them once born.

I haven't seen anything out of any of her Doodle mix dogs that made me believe they were especially intelligent. She had another one a few years ago and I developed a strong dislike for. That dog was a really hard headed thing. It refused to do anything it didn't want to do and would fight you every step of the way to not do it. The only redeeming quality it had was it was very protective of their family. It would even try to "save" daughter and grandkids when they were swimming in their swimming pool by jumping in and pulling them to safety even though they didn't need saving.