My wife and I are dog people, always have been, (I am always weary of those who HATE dogs, like deflave)

We have had Goldens and labs, but our two current Golden Doodles are the best dogs we have EVER had.

[Linked Image]

Stella, our 5 YO female, is super sweet pup. Every 2 weeks I meet with a family friend who is a nurse, and we take Stella to the nursing home. (I am not allowed inside). But I drink a coffee outside for an hour and Stella comes out, tail wagging, and she makes a lot of folks happy.

Finn, the darker pup, is 1 YO. He has the best nose of any dog I have ever owned, which is saying something. He already has about 3 dozen sharpies and huns under his belt from ND this year.

Smart as hell, no shedding. Best dogs ever.

Last edited by duck911; 03/02/21.

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.