Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by CCCC
Some states, some circumstances, and from that you want to make a grand conclusion? You are continuing the leap to ridiculous. Why not take a poll and find out how many experienced and thinking people here agree with you? No - I meant a real/honest poll.

Polls have nothing to do with the LAW.
Now, including the Constitution the nation
is a nation of Laws not dumbfck polls.
You don't like the laws?, then do something
to formally change them ..(hint- you won't
achieve that through internet polls)

Some laws permit a regular citizen and LE
to shoot a felony intruder....there are laws
that also permit a regular citizen and LE
to shoot someone who is life threatening
another party....there are many good citizens
who appreciate such laws being in place.

Since you like polls , run one to find out if
folks like being able to shoot an intruder
&/or shoot a perp who is about to harm another.

WOW ! You must be an expert on shooting people.

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron