Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by ribka

My 13 week old puppy knows more about the law then you.

Yet I had to correct you when you wrongly argued
the law of Ilinois regarding Kyle Rittenhouse...
irrelevantly citing how the law applies to you
as an adult rather than the actual case of
teenage Rittenhouse..TFF.

Originally Posted by ribka

I double checked with a buddy a week after the shooting , he used to work for Capitol police for 7 years, then went to another agency.
Yep like it or not use of deadly force was justified According to their agency’s policies. I don’t agree but that’s the law. ..

For starters Policy is not Law.
But You double checked CP policy and
categorically state it was a "legal" shoot.
in the recent past I have posted reference to
SCOTUS rulings regarding Fed. LE and what
they have range to do under the law, but AshB
defenders didn't seem interested in such.
CCCC prefers polls over understanding of LAW.
Starman, you may be a self-conscious ignoramus - which would explain and maybe excuse some of your rambling - but there is no excuse for your trying to state what is in my mind or what I prefer. Because, that you simply do not know - you are ignorant of that - even though you repeatedly try to say that you do. I suggested a poll because that might help you gain some light on your personal subject.

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