Will we see hyperinflation soon or has it already started? I heard on the radio yesterday that used car prices rose at 14 times the feds published rate of inflation. I know home prices are through the roof and food and luxury items and recreational toys and ammo are up big too.

My neighbor back in 2008 was convinced hyperinflation was coming when Obama did that huge stimulus plan to pay off his political buddies. The one they said was for shovel ready jobs but didn't go towards any. This neighbor told me I needed to hurry and get out of debt because hyperinflation was coming. I told him if hyperinflation was really coming I was going to go borrow all the money I could and buy hard assets. If money was going to be basically worthless I wanted to owe it to others not have it sitting in my savings.

That made him think a bit. He then said he hadn't thought of it like that but after thinking about it that I might be right.

I've been thinking about that conversation lately and trying to game theory the crazy government spending. I'm convinced that the only way out of the massive debt we have is to devalue the currency. I think there's a plan to do so and the politicians are in on it. Imagine handing the Chinese a couple of Zimbabwe style trillion $ bills and saying there's the money you loaned us. That's probably why they are throwing trillions around like it's nothing. The question is, when? My neighbor was convinced it was going to happen about 2009. Here we are a dozen years later and $100 is still worth more than the paper it's printed on.

What are your thoughts on hyperinflation? Is it coming and when? How do you prepare? I like being out of debt and I think food and energy will take up most of our income when it happens but I wonder about having a bunch of cash in savings and retirement accounts. Should I be using said cash along with some low interest loans to go heavy into hard assets. I still worry the economy could go full depression and then the assets would devalue and I'd wish I had that cash in the bank to buy up properties and stuff while cheap.

1. Will the dollar collapse first?
2. Will a big depression hit and home prices etc drop?
3. Is everything going to coast along like Obama years barely treading water?
4. Will another Trump like boom happen?
