
Undeniably you are a smart man and well-reasoned in much of what you say.

Where are you and I differ in opinion is the number of moving parts... and using historical norms as a baseline for future predictions.

The troubled waters of 2021 are uncharted.

The moral compass of America in 2021 is a tiny sliver of the moral compass of any time before.

There is virtually no trust in any aspect of government by anyone in 2021. Trust in the government is it an unprecedented low.

The fiscal fragility of American citizens is absurdly naive.
Reliance on the woefully pathetic decisions of the government is at an all-time high.

In no way is it my desire to dissuade you from sharing your expert opinions. Frankly I enjoyed reading them a great deal.

I believe I once heard if you live in the past you will lose the future.

I know that I have heard America constantly fights combat Wars based on the lessons they learned in the last war. And each time there is great pain in learning how to fight the current War.

Many will say war and capitalism are not related at all. I will say that both come from the same Foundation and both have the same result... if successful.


What I would enjoy hearing you speak more about is global economics.

If the US dollar is the strongest currency much as a particular basketball player is the strongest member of the team obviously feeding your best basketball player the ball every chance you get will result in the highest scoring game.

So as the US dollar is weakened with Fiat... obviously the other countries are also weakened.

How does this play out in the future?

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.